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Our work in vaccines focuses on making certain diseases a thing of the past.

Vaccines are one of the greatest public health success stories in history

Experience in vaccines

We’ve been discovering, developing, supplying and delivering vaccines to help prevent disease around the world for over 130 years.

It is no secret that inventing and developing vaccines is complex, time intensive and carries no guarantees.

To keep pace with the ever-evolving disease landscape, we continue to research candidates to address significant unmet needs.

Collaboration and progress in vaccines

It takes active collaboration by our teams who partner with governments, academic researchers and non-government organisations around the world.

Our work in researching and producing vaccines is guided by science and fueled by human need.

Programs in vaccines

 Inspired by the rich legacy and innovative spirit of the long-time scientist, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, we are proud to be engaging with the global health community through the MSD-Wellcome Trust Hilleman Laboratories. The mission of the Laboratories is to pursue innovation in vaccine science and technology that helps make access to vaccines more affordable and equitable in lower-income markets.

Three patients meet closed to a beach and hugging

Our commitment to patients is unwavering

As long as there are still patients in hospitals, doctors desperate to add years to the lives of their patients, and a world where treatments aren’t accessible to all, we will be here: fighting with all we have to deliver more, sooner.

TAPS Approval No: NP20082 TAPS DA 2339KN NZ-NON-00205 Last Updated October 2023